How do students finish late Personal Deck Assignments?


Last Update hace 2 años

Late Personal Deck assignments are different than late Standard assignments. For late Standard assignments, students simply click into them to begin the assignment. On the other hand, when a Personal Deck assignment is late, students cannot manually make progress to completing these assignments:

Instead, progress will automatically be made towards late Personal Deck Assignments in one of the following 2 ways:

1. If there is an active Personal Deck Assignment, whenever the student hits the required number of points for the active Personal Deck Assignments, then any extra points earned before the due date will also count towards the most recent late Personal Deck Assignment.

2. If there is not another active Personal Deck Assignment, then any completed study sessions will simply count towards the most recent late Personal Deck Assignment.

Below is an example of the second scenario, where there isn't an active Personal Deck Assignment, so then the most recent late Personal Deck Assignment will earn points towards completion whenever students compelte a study session. Late Personal Deck Assignments will automatically show up under the Personal Deck Practice area whenever it is earning points towards completion:

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