Mastery Score Calculation


Last Update há 3 anos

Podsie mastery scores are calculated on a -4 to 4 scale, are based on streaks, and are tracked on a per question per student basis.

Here's an example

Jesse is a student enrolled in your 1st Period and has two questions in his personal deck, Question A and Question B. Since Podsie tracks mastery per question and per student, there are two separate mastery scores, one for (Jesse, Question A) and one for (Jesse, Question B). Let's say both of the mastery scores are currently 1. Question A is due in Jesse's personal deck and he gives a correct response, so we increment the mastery score for that question to be 2. This is what it means for our mastery score to be based on streaks - a mastery score of 2 for (Jesse, Question A) indicates that Jesse answered Question A correctly twice in a row. Jesse gives another correct response for Question A, so the mastery score goes up to 3, but then Jesse gives an incorrect response, so the mastery score immediately drops to -1. Jesse subsequently submits another incorrect answer for this question, so the mastery score drops to -2. Similarly, a negative mastery score -2 indicates a student has answered the question incorrectly twice in a row.

Let's say Question A and Question B are both associated with the same standard, Standard C. Jesse's cumulative mastery score for Standard C is the average of two individual question mastery scores. Question B still has a mastery score of 1, and Question A now has a mastery score of -2, so the Standard C mastery score comes out to -0.5.

Other Notes

  • The mastery score streak maxes out at 4 and -4. We chose 4 because if a student gets a question correct 4 times in a row, the spaced repetition algorithm expects the student to retain that information for over a month.
  • The mastery score for a question is updated any time the student gives a response for a question, and is not limited to only questions in the personal deck.
  • We decided to include negative mastery scores to give teachers a higher signal when a student is severely struggling on a concept.

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